
45-day public comment and review period for the Public Participation Plan (PPP)

The El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization (EPMPO) is updating its Public Participation Plan (PPP), which outlines the strategies and activities used to engage the public in the transportation planning and decision-making process. A draft of the…

FTA Section 5310 Program FY 2025-2026 Request for Proposals (RFP)

El Paso MPO FTA 5310 Program FY 2025-2026 Request for Proposals (RFP) for the El Paso urbanized area. For more information click here: El Paso MPO - Section 5310 Request for Proposals (RFP) FY 2025-2026 

Project Call now available for TASA

Texas Transportation Alternative Set-Aside for FY 2026-2028.

The El Paso MPO Newsletter

The quarterly newsletter from the El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) encompasses a wide range of content, spanning from recent staff activities to forthcoming project calls, public comment periods, and meetings. It also provides update…