A Congestion Management Process (CMP) is a process for managing congestion that provides information on transportation system performance. It recommends a range of strategies to minimize congestion and enhance the mobility of people and goods. The CMP analyses the regional transportation network , identifies congested corridors, and develops strategies to minimize congestion. It also evaluates strategies for both their anticipated and experienced effectiveness.
The El Paso MPO is required to maintain a Congestion Management Process as part of of its ongoing transportation planning process. The CMP is required to be developed and implemented in all Transportation Management Areas (TMAs)- urbanized areas with a population over 200,000.
The process model for congestion management recommended by the federal regulations as presented in the Congestion Management Process Guidebook, provides an outline for an objectives-driven, performance-based approach consisting of eight elements:
An analysis of the congested segments was developed as part of the ongoing data collection and analysis required to support the CMP. Sixteen arterial segments and eight highway segments were evaluated based on various performance measures and are presented in the segment performance analysis report. As part of this analysis, a segment profile was developed for each corridor. The segment profile includes basic corridor characteristics, summary data, location map, and a congestion scan.